Memberscripts by Memberstack

#122 - Open All External Links In New Tab + Nofollow + Noreferrer

Easily make all external links perform how you want them to with this short script. Choose whether or not you want them to open in a new tab, be nofollow, or be noreferrer links (or a combination of the 3)!

When might you want to use this?

There are lots of reasons - maybe you have a marketing team who manages the content and forgets to add the right attributes to links. Maybe you have user generated content on your site, and you want all external links to be nofollow to prevent hits to your SEO. Whatever your reasoning might be, this script will get the job done!

Throughout this text, there are lots of external links. In Webflow, they're just standard links, but thanks to Memberscript #122, they all;

  1. Have a target of _blank (meaning they open in a new tab)
  2. Are nofollow (which saves you in case it's a toxic link)
  3. Are noreferrer (blocks information about your site from being sent to the target link

Nulla veniam est anim cupidatat velit est. Cupidatat mollit laborum aliqua deserunt ea qui sit cupidatat deserunt enim aliquip occaecat ea dolore. Fugiat minim qui aute et fugiat eiusmod officia officia aliqua exercitation commodo aute. Eu esse eu minim aute. Dolore fugiat sint quis ipsum officia ex irure proident officia cupidatat voluptate non. Ea consequat quis enim ut et officia mollit ipsum enim consequat ex anim. Voluptate voluptate do labore magna laboris id Lorem ipsum tempor velit ex irure occaecat mollit. Pariatur ut sint nulla.

Consequat officia mollit enim aliqua deserunt eu id enim pariatur irure voluptate labore veniam est velit. Nisi deserunt eu pariatur. Esse minim ea est cillum id tempor. Duis enim exercitation officia elit do qui laboris cupidatat dolor mollit veniam et. Elit cillum anim culpa aliqua. Nisi tempor veniam anim eiusmod voluptate tempor tempor nostrud.

Adipisicing amet nostrud occaecat qui Lorem magna sunt. Quis do ipsum incididunt adipisicing cupidatat aliquip ad reprehenderit quis. Esse Lorem deserunt anim cupidatat ipsum minim in adipisicing veniam amet dolor sunt do nisi laboris. Consectetur ipsum id ex enim. Nostrud voluptate irure anim consectetur irure elit ut do. Occaecat consectetur ut deserunt ea duis Lorem occaecat. Enim esse fugiat ea eu eu officia officia ut ullamco ullamco mollit.

Aute velit labore ut ullamco elit adipisicing sunt ullamco. Aute excepteur elit nisi consectetur occaecat ut irure. Nisi Lorem anim est duis culpa excepteur occaecat anim officia dolor. Irure aute labore voluptate nostrud sunt proident culpa non commodo tempor in.

Esse reprehenderit veniam veniam cillum nostrud anim dolor ea proident. Esse ipsum dolore consequat. Quis do tempor culpa excepteur laboris. In id elit et ullamco non. Enim sint do cillum cillum labore do.